It's easy to think that all business owners are out for themselves and won't be willing to share help and advice, but that couldn't be further from the truth. The small business community in West London is a tight knit one, with many entrepreneurs only too happy to help those who are just starting out.

With the prospect of a potential recession looming, you may find others who navigated the 2008 financial crash and can share some sage advice. Here are three benefits of networking for small business owners.

A great opportunity to meet business suppliers too. 

Get insights from experienced business owners.
When you network with other small business owners, you have the chance to pick their brains about what has worked well for them in the past. This can be invaluable insight that can help you avoid making the same mistakes they did or try out new strategies that you may not have thought of yourself.

Make important connections.
In addition to connecting with other small business owners, you also have the opportunity to connect with key figures in your industry that can help you take your business to the next level. For example, if you're a restaurant owner, you could connect with a local food supplier or purveyor that can provide you with fresh, quality ingredients at a good price. These connections can save you time and money while also helping you improve the quality of your product or service.

Tom Perrigo from the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham at a Networking London event.

Get access to exclusive resources and information.
When you're part of a network, you often have exclusive access to resources and information that can help you grow your business. For example, many Chambers of Commerce offer their members discounts on office supplies, health insurance, and shipping rates. You may also get first dibs on event tickets or invitations to special networking events where you can rub elbows with other business owners.

Networking London events are supported by Hammersmith and Fulham Council
Networking London events are supported by Hammersmith and Fulham Council

So get started...
Networking is a great way to get insights from experienced business owners, make important connections, and get access to exclusive resources and information. So don't be shy—get out there and start networking!

Business Networking in Hammersmith and Fulham

We’re Hammersmith’s leading Business Networking group for professionals looking to connect with other like-minded people. Our events are held monthly and we provide drinks and nibbles so that you can relax, network, and have fun!  Ticket: Non Members pay £29

Our next event is on Thursday 17th November at 3 Shortlands Hammersmith.

Click here to register

Kate Fuller from WebFX UK connecting with company clients.